The Catalysts Podcast (Oct 8, 2024): In synch: Balancing the aging body and mind with Dr. Manuel Montero-Odasso

Tune in to explore the link between gait and cognition, and learn how the right dose of physical exercise and cognitive training can delay the onset of dementia.

In this episode of The Catalysts, renowned Western University geriatrician Dr. Manuel Montero-Odasso, discusses the connection between falls, frailty and mobility issues, and cognitive decline in older individuals. Dr. Montero-Odasso shares how his research using motor biomarkers, dual-task gait testing and innovative interventions, such as the SYNERGIC Trials, is proving effective in delaying dementia in individuals with mild cognitive impairment. Tune in to learn about the vital role of mobility in aging and the promising strategies to maintain cognitive and physical health as we grow older.

Free press interview with Dr. Montero-Odasso about his recent research:

London Free press

Windsor Star

Interview with Dr. Montero-Odasso from Lawson Health Research Institute about newest Gait and Brain Study findings:

How changes in the brain affect walking while talking in older adults

Guest blogs by Dr. Montero-Odasso on the CCNA website:

The Way Older Adults Move can be a Sign of Dementia

Improving Mobility to Improve Cognition: SYNERGIC Trial

News post by the CCNA on Dr. Montero-Odasso’s recent “The Current” interview.

CCNA post (English)

CCNA post (French)

Feature on research being done at the Gain and Brain Lab in the most recent Lawson Link magazine (pg 12).

Lawson Link

Interview with Dr. Montero-Odasso on CBC the Current (begins at 47:00)

CBC Podcast

Lawson Holiday Video:

Keep an eye out around 0:25 for Gait and Brain Lab director, Dr. Montero-Odasso!

Results from the Gait and Brain study published in JAMA Neurology have been shared by 13 news outlets and tweeted about over 135 times by users in over 9 countries!

Read more here!

Interview with Dr. Montero-Odasso in Western News (22 June 2017)

Manner of walking may be key to early dementia detection

St.Joseph’s Healthcare Annual Report 2016-2017

A world-first approach to combat Dementia

Dr. Montero-Odasso’s interview with CBC radio discussing findings from the Gait and Brain Study (29 May 2017)

CBC Radio (English)

CBC Radio (Spanish)

Dr. Montero Odasso discusses findings from the Gait and Brain Study (May 2017)

CTV News

Lawson Health Research Institute article on recent findings from the Gait and Brain Study

Lawson and Western researchers suggest walking and talking can be an early predictor of dementia

Dr.  Montero Odasso discusses the new national Research Trial: SYNERGIC for Imprint (January/February 2017 edition)

Dr. Laura Middleton, site leader for the SYNERGIC Trial at University of Waterloo, interview with CTV News Kitchener (January 2017)

CTV News

Dr.  Montero Odasso and the research team at the Gait and Brain Lab discuss the new national Research Trial: SYNERGIC. 

CTV News

CBC Radio: National Research Coordinator, Alanna Black, discusses the SYNERGIC Trial, enrolling participants 60+ with Mild Cognitive Impairment at London’s Gait and Brain Lab at Parkwood Institute.

CBC Radio (at 21:15)

Lawson Health Research Institute interviews Dr. Montero Odasso regarding the national SYNERGIC Trial. 

Researchers testing triple intervention to combat dementia

Dr. Montero-Odasso and Dr. Bartha discuss research into early biomarkers of dementia

Toronto Star

Dr. Montero-Odasso, Dr. Li, and Dr. Liu-Ambrose interview in the Montreal Gazette (May 2015)

Physical and mental exercise contribute to a happy and healthy old age

Elyse Gordon received a warm welcome by Dr. Manuel Montero Odasso, and the staff at the Gait and Brain Lab. Elyse is a first year Masters’ student in Kinesiology and will be a member of the Gait and Brain lab for two years as she works to develop her thesis on Gait Cognition and Dual Tasking.

Lawson ARGC Newsletter Spring 2013 – VOLUME 9, ISSUE 1

Manuel Montero Odasso interview, A Channel News Health & Home Sept 21, 2010.

Geriatrician Manuel Montero Odasso has mastered five languages and an expertise in assessing aspects of a senior’s health by the pace of their walk.

IN PROFILE: new faculty – Manuel Montero-Odasso Western News March 2007

Manuel Montero Odasso, University of Western Ontario. Gait Velocity as a single predictor of adverse events in healthy seniors aged 75 years and older

Age Plus Prize Winner February 2006