Patient Recruitment
Do you have memory problems?
Do you have trouble remembering things?
Are you 60 years old or older?
Would you like to be part of a research study?
Interested older adults are invited to call or email to get information about participating in a research study. This study is looking at the relationship between walking and cognition (how you think and reason). Those who call will be asked to answer a few short questions as an initial screen. You may then be invited to come to Parkwood Institute, part of St. Joseph’s Health Care London, and undergo a thorough assessment by trained memory professionals.
If you have concerns about your memory, you are encouraged to contact us. If you meet certain criteria, you will be invited to take part in this research study. As a part of the study, you will have a complete memory evaluation, which can be sent to your family physician if you wish.
If you are interested, please contact us today!
Phone: (519) 685-4292 x45627
OR fill in the form below and we will contact you within a few days.